Stonham ACE Group for Men

A – Access

C – Community

E – Evolve

The ACE Men’s Group was established in December 2014 and operates every Friday on a weekly basis from 12.30 to 2.30pm at Citizens House Consett. The group is attended by men who access Stonham support services. The main objective is to promote social interaction for those who are isolated in their own homes to ensure participants have the opportunity to meet people, build relationships, friendships, confidence and develop a good understanding of services available to them throughout the local area. At the Group men have access to various social activities such as pool, darts, and dominoes and also have the use of a laptop computer with wifi connection.

The group operates on an informal basis however, professional organisations have come along to offer information, advice and support sessions - for example County Durham and Darlington Fire Service gave information on Safer Homes and provided free smoke alarms. Various organisations such as Derwentside Homes Financial Inclusion Service have greatly helped group members who are now more aware of the Welfare Reform Benefit changes.

If anyone would like to attend or are interested in joining the ACE group, please telephone 01207 585808 and speak to Stephen Wilkinson or Alan McGuinness who will be more than happy to answer any questions or queries you may have.