Funding Opportunities
Included in this section are summaries of available funding opportunities which community groups may wish to apply for. For more detailed information, community groups are advised to visit the individual website of the funder. Please take note of the timescales / deadlines for applying for funding and the funding criteria which you will need to meet in order to be eligible to apply.
The information contained in this section of the website was correct at the time of publication.
Request for Funding Award Applications
The Derwentside Trust for Sports and Arts (DTSA), trading as Leisureworks, managed the Derwentside located sports and leisure facilities of Durham County Council, between 2007 and 2018. The trustees of the DTSA are managing the process of dissolution of the Charitable Organisation and have some surplus funds which must be distributed in line with the Trust’s Articles, which state: surplus funds should be given or transferred to some other charitable institution having objects similar to the objects of the society.
The Objects of the society are as follows:
The society has been established for the benefit of the public at large and in particular those who live, work or visit the Derwentside area (the primary area of benefit) for the following charitable purposes:
- To provide or assist in the provision of facilities for recreation and other leisure time occupation in the interests of social welfare, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the public at large save that special facilities may be provided for persons who by reason of their youth, age, infirmity or disability, poverty or social and economic circumstances may have need of special facilities and/or services: and/or
- To promote and preserve good health through community participation in healthy recreation: and/or
- To encourage individuals to participate in and maximise their potential in active recreation:
- To advance public education by the encouragement of culture and the arts: and/or
- Such other charitable purposes beneficial to the community consistent with the objects above as the Trustees shall in their absolute discretion determine.
Applicants from not-for-profit Sports and Arts organisations and Community Groups, who are based in the former Derwentside area can apply. There will be two categories of awards.
- Grants of up to £1000. Applications will be considered from organisations:
- based within the former Derwentside District (Post Codes DH7, DH8, DH9 and NE16
- are not-for-profit and operate under a formal constitution
- have Objects which are consistent with those of the society
- have a minimum of 2 years accounts
- hold a bank account in the name of the organisation
- demonstrating a funding need
- Grants in excess of £1000. These awards are intended for organisations who are embarking on a more substantial project. Applications will be considered from
- organisations who meet the criteria identified in 1a to 1f above
- can demonstrate the source of the balance of finance for the project.
The Board of Trustees will form the awarding panel. The award will be at the discretion of the Board and will be the final arbitrator. Applications must meet the criteria above with successful applications being further assessed on the deliverable benefits particularly, increasing or maintaining the reach of the organisation and/or supporting an enduring and sustainable development.
Applications for an award must be submitted through an application form and can be requested by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Closing date for completed applications is 14 February 2025.
Community Buildings Energy Efficiency Grant
Durham Community Action has a £5000 grant to make recommended energy efficiency improvements to help make community buildings become more energy efficient and to reduce their carbon footprint. The organisation must have the following to be able to apply for the grant:
- A copy of the constitution or governing document
- A copy of an energy/BEEP audit that gives recommendations to improve energy efficiency
- Obtained two quotes for the work to be completed.
Organisations can discuss this further with DCA by contacting Craig Hampton at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Funding to Support Community Empowerment Initiatives
The National Lottery Community Fund (NLCF) has announced a new Community Power Fund to empower local communities across England.
(by community power, they mean local communities being able to influence and change the places they live).
Before launching the programme, the NLCF will work with partners during a one-year development phase. This phase, supported by up to £1.2 million in funding, will shape the fund's future operations.
Between 10 and 15 partner organisations will be supported in running new or existing initiatives to strengthen community power, particularly amongst excluded, marginalised, and underrepresented groups.
The funding is available to:
- constituted voluntary or community organisation
- constituted group or club
- registered charity
- charitable incorporated organisation (CIO)
- not-for-profit company
- community interest company (CIC)
- school (as long as the project benefits and involves the communities around the school)
- statutory body (including local authorities, town, parish and community council)
- community benefit society
Organisations will receive grants ranging from £50,000 to £80,000 each to work together on evaluating effective strategies, identifying barriers, and determining the resources needed for sustainable community power-building efforts.
Expressions of interest open on the 8 January 2025.
Energy Redress Scheme
Registered organisations can apply for grant funding to deliver energy related projects that meet the scheme priorities.
Registered charities can apply for funding under all schemes.
Additionally, the following organisations can apply to the Innovation and Carbon Emissions Reduction Fund:
- Community Interest Companies
- Co-operative Societies
- Community Benefit Societies
For more information and to register, visit